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Issue applying CSS to WebUI iframes

Green Elk (1319) | asked Mar 01 '16, 9:37 a.m.
 We've written some css to theme the RTC webui, though it doesn't appear to take effect in the iframes (like work item summary pop-up windows) - anything i can do about this ? If not, is it a limitation or bug?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 01 '16, 10:57 p.m.
If you check the page source, you should know why.

The summary pop-up window has a complete HTML source and has its own styles in the <head> section. Some styles even have the "!important" tag and I see no way to override them (they are loaded last and has this tag, so they take precedence).

Green Elk commented Mar 02 '16, 3:44 a.m. | edited Mar 02 '16, 3:44 a.m.

Hi Donald,

Yes - I had looked at the source and kind of figured that out, but was unsure as to how that html was generated. If it's just hard-coded in the server, then i'd say this is eitherĀ a limitation or a bug. My specific issue is with wiki markup - tables rendered from wiki markup don't have borders by default - this is also i bug i think, though one i'd (only partially) solved using theme support.

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