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How to capture object and comments in word doc while importing it to Rational DOORS Next Generation

Deepali Deshmukh (8914261) | asked Feb 16 '16, 12:28 a.m.
Hi all,

I have a word document which includes many comments and objects. when we double click any object it opens respective excel/word document. when I import this document in RDNG V 6.0, there are no comments and objects which are present in document. Is there any work around where I can have such object linking in DNG.

Deepali Nigade

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Feb 16 '16, 7:04 p.m.
I have no problems with requirement text containing hyperlinks in a Word document.

RDNG is not Word, so you cannot expect them to behave the same way. You didn't even say how your Word document ended up in RDNG. Did you just upload it? Did you convert it? Did you extract requirements from it?

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