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Websphere server not accessible

Nilesh Patil (1734150) | asked Feb 05 '16, 2:48 a.m.

I installed web sphere server and configure it with Jazz team server and did configuration setting  like create user, map group etc as per mentioned in guidelines of installation of web sphere server. 
I restarted the machine and web sphere server using service and trying to access it in browser It is not accessible. 
Its icon is showing in browser but web page does not show the content.

I checked the log file and got below content - 
[2/3/16 12:27:42:787 IST] 00000001 ManagerAdmin  I   TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is **=all.
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WsServerContr 1   Executing executeUtilityOnWindows with args: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\config d-9376Node01Cell d-9376Node01 server1 
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WsServerContr 1   Getting WindowsService obj with: server1 and C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\config d-9376Node01Cell d-9376Node01 server1 
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic >  WindowsService for server server1 Entry
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic >  getWindowsServiceNameForServer server1 Entry
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic >  getWASServiceCmdPath  Entry
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic 1   In executeCommand, args are: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\WASService.exe -getServiceName server1 -profilePath C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01 
[2/3/16 12:27:42:802 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic 1   Runtime.exec() returned process java.lang.ProcessImpl@68846c6e
[2/3/16 12:27:42:818 IST] 00000015 WindowsServic 3   inputRec == IBMWAS85Service - d-9376Node01
[2/3/16 12:27:42:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic 1   retCode from childProcess.waitFor() is 0
[2/3/16 12:27:42:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic I   ADMU7714I: WASService command for server server1 completed successfully.
[2/3/16 12:27:42:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic 3   exitCode = 0
[2/3/16 12:27:43:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic <  getWindowsServiceNameForServer Exit
[2/3/16 12:27:43:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic 1   Trying to new up WindowsService using serverName=server1, winServiceName=d-9376Node01
[2/3/16 12:27:43:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic >  getServiceLogName for server1 Entry
[2/3/16 12:27:43:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic >  getWASServiceCmdPath  Entry
[2/3/16 12:27:43:818 IST] 00000001 WindowsServic 1   In executeCommand, args are: C:\Program Files 

I created another profile for web sphere and without doing configuration setting and did same like restart the machine and service for profile 2 then it is working fine.

Facing problem with profile 1 which is configured with JTS.
Profile 2 is working fine.

Could you please tell me what is the problem.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Feb 05 '16, 4:49 a.m.
If anybody can tell the real cause with such little information, that will be a genius. There are just too many things can go wrong.

I notice that you installed WAS at C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer, which indicates a 32 bit installation. This is a big no no. With only around 1.5GB Java heap size as maximum, it will not be enough for Jazz applications to run.

Install 64 bit WAS and try again. If you still have the same problem, contact Support for a thorough investigation.

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