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Is it possible to reset the requirement Identifiers to 1 in DOORS NG?

lakshmi shree (5711743) | asked Jan 13 '16, 12:01 a.m.
 I have created a new project in DOORS NG for a client. I would like to reset the numbering of requirement identifiers to 1 for a new requirements module. Currently it is 12000 from the last project and it is not looking very good.
Please let me know if it can be done. If so, how?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 13 '16, 12:28 a.m.
Such feature does not exist. Also note that the ID is maintained on the repository level. In other words, the ID will be generated across different projects, and it is not possible to have a continuous ID sequence in a single project if there are multiple projects.

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