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DNG Importing Project Properties from one project to another

Manohar Rao (2211116) | asked Jan 11 '16, 3:22 p.m.
I'm unable to get this to work. In DNG, go to Manage Project Properties, and click the Import button at the right edge. The ensuing dialog asks to select a project, but when I click Browse, it says "There are no projects to select".

I have other projects on this server. I'm an administrator. What am I missing? How do I get it to show the list of projects from which I can copy project properties?

I'm trying this on DNG 6.0.1.

Accepted answer

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Dominic Tulley (38114) | answered Jan 12 '16, 9:07 a.m.
Hi Manohar,
This functionality is affected by whether you have "opted in" to Configuration Management or not in the project you are using.
It is unrelated to the "process sharing" mechanism Erica mentioned above.

If you are in an "opt out" project then the Import dialog should list all other "opt out" projects in your server.
If you are in an "opt in" project then the Import dialog should list all other project configurations contributed to the Global Configuration you are currently in.  If you are not in a Global Configuration then no other projects will be listed.

Manohar Rao selected this answer as the correct answer

Manohar Rao commented Jan 12 '16, 1:22 p.m.

Thanks Dominic. I have now verified that this is indeed how it works.
Can you explain the rationale behind this? Why does CM matter here given that we're simply trying to import project properties from one project to another? And even more, why does GC matter here at all?

Dominic Tulley commented Jan 13 '16, 4:48 a.m.

We were aiming for consistency of behaviour (all the cross project visibility rules work like this so it seemed reasonable to do it here also).  As it happens, we have been discussing the fact that it does not need to act this way and it could be made to show all projects all the time.
If you think it would be a valuable change to the behaviour then please feel free to create an enhancement request (along with an explanation of why it would be better to show all projects all the time).

One other answer

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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Jan 11 '16, 4:25 p.m.
Hi Manohar,

Another project has to have the process shared before you can import project properties.    Go to the Manage project area page for another project and select the option, "Allow other project areas to use the process configuration from this project area". Then go back to the project you were trying the import from and try again.  I hope this helps.

Manohar Rao commented Jan 11 '16, 5:10 p.m.

Thanks for the response. I had tried this earlier and it didn't seem to work. But, after seeing your answer, I tried again and I've discovered that this doesn't work for all projects. Some projects continue to show an empty list when I try to import project properties, whereas others show the list of projects (although, the list doesn't show all the projects I'd expect to see in it). Any ideas on what else I can check for? I don't see any particular pattern that's obvious.

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