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When using ReqIF export/import, is there a way to preserve or capture source ID?

Becky McDermott (921140) | asked Dec 17 '15, 3:37 p.m.

I did a ReqIF export of some requirements from a project on Staging Server A (v 5.0.2) and imported the ReqIF file into a project on Staging Server B (v 5.0.2).

The requirements were imported and I cleaned up the duplicate Artifact Types and Artifact Attributes.

What I notice is that when ReqIF imports the requirements, it assigns an arbitrary ID that is different from the ID in the system that was exported from.

For example, the same requirement in both systems has different IDs:

Staging Server A: 
ID:  2254
Name:  The ALT Subsystem shall ...

Staging Server B:
ID:  6313
Name:  The ALT Subystem shall ...

There doesn't appear to be any attributes in the Staging Server B requirement that shows that it came from ID 2254 in Staging Server A.

Is there anyway to preserve the IDs between the two projects when doing ReqIF export/import?  I imported these requirements into a brand new empty project so I assumed it would preserve the IDs but it didn't.  It would be nice if there was at least an attribute that indicated the ID from the source project.

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 18 '15, 2:35 a.m.
The ID is per repository, which means that you may not even get continuous IDs in a project area. There is no way to preserve the ID in a ReqIF import - all artifacts are treated as "new" artifacts unless the UUID matches an existing one (the artifact will be updated in this case). If you would like to keep the ID in a separate attribute, let's say "old ID", that would be a good RFE candidate.

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ian green (17814) | answered Dec 19 '15, 11:53 a.m.
Hello Becky

DOORS Next Gen Version 6.0.2 is expected to support ReqIF "Foreign ID", which covers your requirement.  See


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