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Does changing JVM arguments on WAS make the application (DNG,QM) performance improve ?

anoop mc (74811200221) | asked Dec 17 '15, 2:35 a.m.
 Hi Team,

We have distributed topology of CLM 501 and recently we migrated the application server from Tomcat to WAS 8.5. After migration we are getting lot of complaints from project team about the application performance - system not seem to be responding.

[ especially from DNG while creating baseline for artifacts ] 

Below are the default configuration we have set during the configuration.

Generic JVM arguments
-Xmx4g -Xms4g -Xmn512m
-Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xcompressedrefs

our server has got 8 GB of physical memory and the team is facing lot of issues (application not responding) at that time the  available free memory showing as 9% Let me know if modifying any JVM arguments will make some difference. 

Any suggestions would be of great help.

Donald Nong commented Dec 17 '15, 4:53 a.m.

What's the JVM arguments for the original Tomcat deployment? Any changes except for switching from Tomcat to WebSphere?

anoop mc commented Dec 17 '15, 5:12 a.m.

 No other changes have been made except the switch over

2 answers

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anoop mc (74811200221) | answered Dec 17 '15, 5:12 a.m.
Below is what we had as Tomcat JVM settings


Even in this case it used to throw out of memory error and the workaround was to get the server bounced.

Hence based on the recommendation from IBM we have migrated to WAS now it look even worse than before. Especially when some of the project team in DNG when they create baselines it will hung and become inaccessible. 

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Dec 17 '15, 5:33 a.m.
edited Dec 17 '15, 5:34 a.m.
If you were using Tomcat, you also would have had a <app install>/tomcat/conf/server.xml file where you specified threads, e.g.


Websphere usually defaults to 50 threads, where we advise increasing this to 200.  There should be some fairly pertinent errors in the Websphere logs regarding threads. 
From the Interactive Installation Guide, you can see how to verify your current level and increase if it is less than 200:

To improve performance of the operating procedures, change the WebContainer thread pool size settings:
  1. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers.
  2. Click server1 and then in the Additional Properties section, click Thread pools.
  3. In the Thread pools page, click WebContainers.
  4. Enter 200 in the Minimum Size and Maximum Size fields.
  5. Click OK and save directly to the master configuration.

Kind regards,

anoop mc commented Dec 17 '15, 5:46 a.m.

 The webcontainer thread pool size increase to 200 for both minimum and maximum  was a part of a configuration changes when switching over to WAS from tomcat and has been already entered.

Paul Ellis commented Dec 17 '15, 6:13 a.m.

I would recommend that you follow:

and from the VerboseGC logs you should be able to see whether your heap is appropriate for your user actions.
It seems hard to believe you were using

in Tomcat, but if so you've doubled your heap size (a good thing), but you may have opened the pipe for other issues.  If this is your DNG server then
-Xmn1G is probably more appropriate, if not 1500M.

Are there messages in the logs? Connections to the database (JDBC pool/mediator pool)?

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