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RFT Adapter begins using 'localhost' instead of configured server URL

Inder Kainth (1112) | asked Nov 11 '15, 11:04 a.m.
edited Nov 15 '15, 7:12 p.m.
We configured Jazz Team Server (JTS) to communicate with different computer running Rational Functional Tester (RFT).  In attempting to execute RFT Scripts from QM when Start Adapter is used in starting RFT Adapter we are consistently seeing 'Unable to register the adapter with RQM'.  I have searched online for various solutions and made sure 'Register Tool Adapter' Permission is enabled for Everyone (also tried enabling for Team Member/Contributor).  We enabled logging and discovered the root cause seems to be that RFT begins to use 'localhost' during Start Adapter instead of the configured Server URL.  The log shows initially the communication between Server and Adapter proceeds without issues.  But after obtaining UUID below exchange occurs.  We tried using numeric IP Address and while that lead to a different dialogue between Server and Adapter ultimately Start Adapter fails with same message.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Inder Kainth

BTW RFT Adapter (8.6) logging can be enabled using :

11:23:15,641 [main] DEBUG           - Start internalSendToServer[https://asd0241:9443/qm/secure/service/,<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<dc:title>RFT Adapter on MERLIN-1753</dc:title>
<dc:description>This is a Rational Functional Tester Adapter</dc:description>
11:23:21,871 [main] DEBUG           - End internalSendToServer
11:23:21,871 [main] DEBUG           - Start getFromServer[https://localhost:9443/qm/service/]
11:23:22,900 [main]  INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector   - I/O exception ( caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect
11:23:22,900 [main]  INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector   - Retrying request
11:23:23,930 [main]  INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector   - I/O exception ( caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect
11:23:23,930 [main]  INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector   - Retrying request
11:23:24,960 [main]  INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector   - I/O exception ( caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect
11:23:24,960 [main]  INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector   - Retrying request
11:23:25,989 [main] DEBUG           - ++++ RQMConnectionHelper: Connection refused: connect
11:23:25,989 [main] ERROR                            - Unable to register the adapter with RQMFailed to retrieve adapter information

One answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Nov 12 '15, 1:01 a.m.
edited Nov 12 '15, 1:02 a.m.
Hi, Inder

If from RFT machine, you connect to RQM via public URI over browser, do you have any problem?
suppose this works, then you may want to stop adapter and remove RQMAdapterOptions.pref from C:\Users\<Machine User>\AppData\Roaming\IBM\RFT and rqmadapterV2.ini from C:\ProgramData\IBM\RQMConnectivity
start RFT [configure adapter] menu and make sure the URL is properly set there and then start the adapter and see
if that works.

Hopefully this helps.

Inder Kainth commented Nov 13 '15, 9:43 a.m.

Thank you for your reply.  Unfortunately, this solution did not work for us.  We tried contacting IBM but due to the products being used in trial period they haven't been responsive.   We are beginning to wonder if this maybe a licensing issue with the products being used in trial period.  Any further help is appreciated.  

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