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Link RDNG to RTC which are registered to different JTS versions.

Samar Singh (141522) | asked Oct 28 '15, 6:34 a.m.
    Is it possible to link artifacts in RDNG [which has JTS @ 6.0]  to Work Items in RTC [which has JTS @ 5.0.2].
The 2 setups are hosted on separate servers.

Thanks by Samar

One answer

permanent link
Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Dec 17 '15, 3:34 p.m.
This ought to be possible.  The hard part would be getting the friendships established in the case where each application is administered by different parties.  I think the interactions would use OSLC or REST and should be fairly version-agnostic.   This would be comparable to upgrading a JTS w/o upgrading some of the registered applications which is a supported scenario.

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