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Categories associated to a Team on a different timeline appear in my plan (RTC.5.0.2)

Thomas Kirstätter (181719) | asked Oct 05 '15, 9:43 a.m.
edited Oct 05 '15, 9:46 a.m.
I have the following issue:
- I have set up a RTC SCRUM PA.

Teams are like this:
     - Team2-SubTeam1
     - Team2-SubTeam2

Team 1 and Team 3 Work on TimeLine "Main_TL"
Team 2 Works on Timeline "Project_TL"

in "Main_TL" we have a iteration structure:

The Categories and Team assignments are (very simple):

Team1_Cat  --> Team1
     -Team1-SubTeam1_Cat --> Team1-SubTeam1
     -Team1-SubTeam2_Cat --> Team1-SubTeam2
     - Team2-SubTeam1_Cat --> Team2-SubTeam1
     - Team2-SubTeam2_Cat --> Team2-SubTeam2
Team3_Cat --> Team3

Now the following happend:
I did setup a Backlog Plan with the owner beeing the Project Area and the Iteration beeing Main_Backlog.
I did include "Group=Categories" in that plan.

What I did see, is that ALL above Categories are shown in the plan, even those that are assigned to Team2. Team 2 does not work on this timeline and thus the combination is more or less invalid. If I assign in this plan view a WI to a category of Team2, it will not be shown in the plan, because the timeline and category combination is not valid/useful.

Any opinion on this? What is the Spec?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 07 '15, 12:52 a.m.
The functionality that appears to be implemented is that it looks for the highest category that the selected team is assigned to, and then shows all categories underneath that category (whether or not a particular sub-categories is assigned to that team).   So one way to achieve what you are looking for is to create a new "dummy" timeline, make that dummy timeline the default project area timeline, and assign the root category to the project area.   Each of the top level team areas are then assigned to the appropriate (non-dummy) timeline.  Then when you assign a plan to a particular team, the highest category will not be the root category, so only the categories in the timeline of that team will appear in the plan.

Thomas Kirstätter commented Oct 13 '15, 7:34 a.m.

I tried it, unfortunately, that does not solve my problem, since I explicitly want to create a plan, that has the Owner "Project Area" since this should be a global Backlog, that allows to have an overview over all Teams that work on the timeline the backlog iteration belongs to.
The problem does not occur when I use any subteam as owner of the plan (even in my initial setup).

Geoffrey Clemm commented Oct 16 '15, 10:34 p.m.

For that, you will need to file an enhancement request.

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