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Should I import Plans OR Create Plans and import Work Items

Paul Williams (1324) | asked Sep 29 '15, 4:11 p.m.
I am attempting to transfer the entire content of one project to another. I am unable to determine whether to export each plan from one project and import to the other where all work items are associated to all plans OR to create identical plans (and users) in target project then export and import work items.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 29 '15, 7:50 p.m.
Because a "plan" is primarily a query for work items, there is very little actually "in" a plan (other than the custom tabs for the plan), so you normally do not "export" a plan to another project area ... you just create a new plan in the new project area.   A given work item will belong to exactly one project area, and will be a "first class" plan member only for plans in that project area.   So you will either need to "move" those work items to the new project area (which is only possible if the new project area is in the same repository), and which will effectively "remove" those work items from the plans in the old project area, or you can export/import copies of those work items into the new project area.
Paul Williams selected this answer as the correct answer

Paul Williams commented Sep 30 '15, 11:29 a.m.

Thank you Geoffrey, this is the level of understanding I needed.

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