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Alert Users when RTC Server Shutdown or Restart

Sudaraazhi Arivalagan (441829) | asked Aug 11 '15, 7:55 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

Using RTC APIs or any other ideas, do we have an option to inform RTC Users that RTC is DOWN whenever the server gets shut down and informing users via Email once the server is RESTORED or RESTARTED ?????

Thanks in advance.

Accepted answer

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Aug 12 '15, 2:14 p.m.

CLM does not have a way to send email on startup.

If you are performing a planned outage, you can add a message in the banner of CLM to warn users before you take it down. The "System Alerts" section of the JTS Admin page can be used to do this:

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz Foundation L3 Development Team Lead
Sudaraazhi Arivalagan selected this answer as the correct answer

Sudaraazhi Arivalagan commented Aug 13 '15, 1:36 a.m.

Thanks Ruby !

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