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RTC - Can I modify the columns on the "Search Results" page?

Isabel Torres (631238) | asked Aug 03 '15, 11:07 p.m.
RTC 5.0.2

I am making a search from the main search field, on the right top, doing the following steps:

1. Typing a key word (e.i. Lenovo) for work items searching
2. Click on the small magnifying glass

I get a list of workitems that match with my search text, and they are displayed along with some attributes columns.

I would like to to modify those columns so I get the columns for the attributes that I need, but I see that the "Edit Query" icon (the small pencil) is disabled.

Is there a way to edit the columns displayed with the search results?



Accepted answer

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Kunal Doddanavar (45222732) | answered Aug 04 '15, 2:41 a.m.
       I think you are looking to edit the query for "Quick Search", which is currently not available.

- Kunal
Isabel Torres selected this answer as the correct answer

Isabel Torres commented Aug 04 '15, 9:53 a.m.

hi Kunal,

Not even by project area configuration? how those columns are pre-defined?


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