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How to MAP "Owner" and "Created by" attribute of RTC with JIRA "Assignee" and "Reporter" attribute using TASKTOP

Navneet Srivastava (17712) | asked Jul 29 '15, 9:20 a.m.
How to MAP "Owner" and "Created by" attribute of RTC with JIRA "Assignee" and "Reporter" attribute using TASKTOP.

I tried using carter none , but it thorws error. Looks like Jira is expecting Full name but RTC is using Shortname.
Can anyone share their person mapping file or any script if used.


2 answers

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Aug 03 '15, 7:17 p.m.
Has person mappings bee tried?

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Navneet Srivastava (17712) | answered Aug 04 '15, 6:56 a.m.
Hello Abraham ..
I am new to person mappings , i read through the infocenter link but not able to create script. DO you have anything handy .


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