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Report Builder: Traceability Reporting Not Working for Story>Requirement>Test Case

Robert Huet (23113984) | asked Jul 09 '15, 11:37 a.m.
I cannot get the Report Builder (JRS 6.0) to work for Stories to Requirements to Test Cases (using JKE Banking example).  Is this a bug?

Steps to Reproduce:
1)  Choose Artifacts:  Work Item > Story and press Continue
2)  Add Traceability Links for "Related Requirement" then "Validated by Test Case" and press Continue
3)  NOTE:  Limit Scope section shows RTC and DNG projects but no RQM projects to which I belong (is this a bug?)
4) Run the report (no Limit Scope or Conditions)

Result:  Report only displays stories and associated requirements (no test cases, even though the hover preview on requirements shows they are validated by test cases.

I would expect that 1)  Limit Scope would show RQM projects to which I belong, 2) Conditions would include ability to set conditions on Test Cases, and  3) Report would show stories, associated requirements, AND associated test cases.

Where am I going wrong?

4 answers

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Kevin Cornell (5411) | answered Jul 09 '15, 2:30 p.m.
Normally all of the JKE Banking projects are created with access control = Everyone, meaning you do not have to be a member of the project area in order to see the data. Verify this in the QM project.

Prior to 6.0, when a project area had access = everyone, DCC had to populate the resource lookup tables with every possible user. In 6.0, for access = everyone DCC now flags that project area as public and no longer populates the resource lookup table. If access is members only, then you must be a member of the project and DCC will populate the resource lookup table accordingly.

If the QM project are access is members only and you were recently added, you have to wait for the DCC jobs to run again (or have an admin force the DCC jobs to run).

I assume the DNG, RQM, RTC and RB applications are all registered against the same JTS. If not, user verification might get mixed up, which could exclude you from seeing certain project areas in Report Builder.

Robert Huet commented Jul 09 '15, 2:40 p.m.

If I run a JRS report on just test cases, I can get the RQM data back, so this is not a Data Warehouse permissions issue.  This problem only happens for the traceability scenario described in my initial post.

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Robert Huet (23113984) | answered Jul 09 '15, 3:05 p.m.

This appears to be a bug introduced in JRS 6.0, because it works just fine in JRS 5.0.2.

Here is what changed from JRS 5.0.2 to JRS 6.0:

- "Related Test Case" relationship was removed

- "Validated By Test Case" relationship was added as a replacement

Apparently, this change in relationship broke the existing functionality.  If I pick an existing relationship (like "Related Test Script") instead of "Validated By Test Case", then everything works fine in JRS 6.0.

Can anyone tell me if there is a work-around for this problem?  Or do we need to wait for the 6.1 release before upgrading production systems?

Steven Shaw commented Jul 09 '15, 4:16 p.m.


The "Related Test Case" relationship is definitely there in 6.0 -->



Steven Shaw commented Jul 09 '15, 4:22 p.m.

 ok I see, you're talking about Requirement to Test Case traceability...

Are you seeing some semantic difference in the functionality for "Validated by Test Case" compared to "Related Test Case" ?


Robert Huet commented Jul 09 '15, 4:23 p.m.

Yep, it is there when tracing from Work Item, but it is no longer there when tracing from Requirement.  It was there in 5.0.2, but now replaced with Validated By Test Case, which does not work.

Steven Shaw commented Jul 09 '15, 4:42 p.m.

 I've verified that "Validated By Test Case" works fine in my test environment, so either there is a problem in your report excluding Test Case projects (see answer below) or there is something specific about how your links are configured.  Unless we can narrow it down here, you want to consider contacting IBM support.

Robert Huet commented Jul 09 '15, 5:01 p.m.

I'm using the out-of-the-box JKE banking example with a very normal installation of CLM 6.0 on Windows 2008, DB2 and Tomcat.

When I trace from Requirement using "Related Test Script", then my RQM project appears under "Limit scope".  When I trace from Requirement using "Validated By Test Case", the RQM projects are not there.

When I try this report in my 5.0.2 sandbox (with "Related Test Case") everything works perfectly.

Given that you can't reproduce in your test environment, this will be a tough one to resolve.  Thanks for taking a look at it.

Steven Shaw commented Jul 09 '15, 5:30 p.m.

Seems to indicate that somehow it's not interpreting the artifact type for that node in the traceability path properly on the client for some reason.  

The only thing that comes to mind is possibly you have a stale browser cache?  If there isn't a valid certificate on the server and you upgrade into the same URL path, then it's possible you might be pointing to some old 5.0.2 content (client side).  You can see if this is the case if the https portion of your URL is red and crossed out (in Chrome).  Try clearing the browser cache from More tools / Clear browsing data / Cached images and files.  Though it's doubtful this is the problem since you've been exploring other 6.0 functionality with success.  At least we can eliminate it as a possibility.



Robert Huet commented Jul 09 '15, 5:50 p.m.

Bingo!  It is a browser issue with FireFox 39.0.  It will not work even after clearing the cash!

I installed the latest version of Chrome and it worked perfectly!

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Jul 09 '15, 4:39 p.m.

Did you select any projects in the Limit Scope before running the query?  If so, this means you've limited all results to just those selected projects.  If you've only selected CCM and DNG projects it makes sense that no test case results would be returned.

As to why the RQM projects aren't appearing?  As long as you're a project member they should appear.  Being simply a Jazz admin is not sufficient enough.



Steven Shaw commented Jul 09 '15, 4:45 p.m.

 If you were recently added as a member of the RQM projects, then it may be necessary to run a DCC synchronization run with the Data Warehouse (if it's with-in 12 hours)

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Robert Huet (23113984) | answered Jul 09 '15, 5:52 p.m.

Just to recap the final answer, this is a problem with FireFox 39.0 (and maybe other versions of FireFox?)

I installed the latest version of Chrome, and it worked perfectly.

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