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Heading artifacts are not displayed as heading in a module

Tiffany Pei (139623) | asked Jul 07 '15, 9:13 a.m.
I created an artifact type "MyHeading" and I ticked "In modules, display artifacts of this type as headings by default" during the creation of that artifact type.
Then I imported a CSV file into a module. I opened the module and the contents of all artifacts (including MyHeading artifacts) were displayed as normal text. However, if I create a new MyHeading artifact within a module, it is displayed as heading.

Accepted answer

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Jul 07 '15, 9:30 a.m.
Is your question
1. why imported MyHeading artifacts are not displayed as heading, whereas the newly created MyHeading artifacts are displayed as heading?
2. how to make imported MyHeading artifacts display as heading?

If what you want to ask is question 1:
The row style can either be a Heading row (bold & larger fonts) or a Normal row.
The artifacts in the CSV will be imported with row style "Normal row", regardless the artifact type.
When a new MyHeading artifact is created, the row will be of expected "Heading row" row style.
So what you are seeing is an expected behaviour.

If what you want to ask is question 2:
You can workaround this issue by doing the following
1. Add Artifact Type column
2. Click on Artifact Type to sort artifacts by Artifact Type
3. Click on first artifact of type MyHeading
4. While holding shift, click on last artifact of type MyHeading
5. Right mouse click on selection and then select "Edit the attributes for xxx Artifacts"
6. Tick on Artifact Type, in the Value field, select MyText (or any value other than MyHeading), select MyHeading, then click on Save

Tiffany Pei selected this answer as the correct answer

Tiffany Pei commented Jul 07 '15, 9:35 a.m.

I would like to know how to make imported MyHeading artifacts as heading. Is there a way to configure RDNG so that I can import CSV and MyHeading artifacts will be displayed as heading without changing artifact type?

2 other answers

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Jul 07 '15, 9:41 a.m.
If you do not want to do something after import, then you need to do something before the import.
For the CSV to be imported, you can add a column called "isHeading".
It takes one of the two values, either true or false.
If you leave it blank, it will be false.
You need to set it to true for the rows that represent headings (in your case, the MyHeading rows).

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Richard Good (872861) | answered Apr 10 '18, 12:51 p.m.

Note that when you export to a spread sheet from DOORS it puts quotes around the true's in the isHeading column so you get "true". This seems to break the import to DNG. I found I had to open in a text editor and do a search replace of "true" with True to make it work, which is disappointing you would think IBM would cope with "TRUE", "True" or "true" wouldn't you, but it doesn't.

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