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Why Would RTC Not Display a Theme?

Nate Decker (37814761) | asked Jun 26 '15, 8:27 a.m.

I have modified a simple example theme found here on to display a banner message in the "aboveBanner" theming node. We have a sandbox staging area where I have deployed the theme for testing purposes. The theme displays correctly there.

When I deploy the same theme to our production server, it "previews" correctly but, once activated, nothing is visible. Deploying the same theme on our production JTS server displays the banner in our RM application as expected. So it's working in RM, but not RTC and it's working in my RTC sandbox, but not my production area.

Is anyone aware of a reason that this might occur?

Nate Decker commented Jun 26 '15, 9:07 a.m.

I've submitted a Service Request with IBM on this. I'll monitor this post as well though because there is often more knowledge in the forum than with the initial respondents to the Service Requests.

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Sep 04 '15, 2:31 a.m.

Hi Nate,
Do you have any feedback what was the root cause of the issue?

Accepted answer

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Miguel Tomico (5001423) | answered Oct 29 '15, 7:53 a.m.
Hi Nate.
I'm pretty sure it's due to a cache in the browser.
.css and .js files are unlikely to change very often, therefore they are eligible to be cached for a long time.
To make sure you see the changes made to the Theme, press Ctrl + F5 on Firefox or Chrome.
Hope this helps.
Nate Decker selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Nate Decker (37814761) | answered Oct 28 '15, 10:25 a.m.
I think this issue was related to some kind of caching behavior on either the server or in Firefox. After some period of time had passed, the theme took effect. I do not know why the effects were not more immediate.

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