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How do I most easily include RTC reports and report resources in a project area that is using the process from another project area?

Todd Dunnavant (571019) | asked Jun 16 '15, 10:16 p.m.
retagged Jun 19 '15, 5:29 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)
This pertains to RTC 5.0.2.

I have created a process management project area, which includes some variations from the Scrum template that ships with RTC.

I have created around 20 project areas based on this process management project area, using the approach that is recommended in RTC Help:
-  create each project area using the Unconfigured template that ships with RTC
-  then, set each project area to use the process that is defined in the process management project area.

Unfortunately, this procedure appears to have left me with 20 new project areas that include no report resources and reports.

What should I have done to ensure that my new project areas included the reports and report resources that are defined in the process management project area?

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Alanna Zito (1.3k3) | answered Jun 17 '15, 10:33 a.m.
Hi Todd,

Unfortunately reports are not inherited when you use a shared process (as you found out).  Instead, you can deploy report resources from one projet area into another by following the steps described here:

In step 2, select your main project area as the source; you can then select & deploy all the report resources into the current project area.
Todd Dunnavant selected this answer as the correct answer

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