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Unable to Create a History Tab with a History Section in Customized RTC Work Item Presentation

Rob Olsen (3512153) | asked Jun 15 '15, 11:03 a.m.

I am trying to create a customized Work Item type and want to include the history tab.  Everything has been going great creating the different tabs and sections until the History tab.  I can create the History tab with no problem, but when I click on the new History tab and select "Add Section", the option(s) for "Slot" is "None".  I create a Section ID and immediately the message "Slot must not be empty" and it will not let me "Save".  I look at the other default presentations and they all use "History" with slot = "None". 

History [content shared]

     History (layout slot: <None>) [content shared]

I searched on-line but have not found anything about this.  Prior to this, I used an existing Presentation and just "Duplicated" a lot of stuff, but this time I decided to go from scratch. 

Is there a way to create the "History" tab and section without using an existing presentation??

Rob Olsen commented Jun 15 '15, 1:16 p.m.

Sorry, "History (layout slot: <none> ) [content shared] " should include the "None". </none>

<none> "History (layout slot: None <none> ) [content shared] " </none> </none>

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Rob Olsen (3512153) | answered Jun 15 '15, 1:30 p.m.
So it appears if  just forget about using the "History" tab and "History" layout, I can do the same thing with a tab using the "Overview" layout tab and "Discussion" for the slot designation and then select "History" as the "Non-attribute-based presentation".  Does this make sense? 

Chidambaram L commented Aug 25 '15, 8:55 a.m.

Can be done this way too.

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