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On RQM when exporting Test Plan into pdf Risks/Risks actions are mixing up, how to fix it?

Lorena Almela (1811617) | asked Jun 12 '15, 1:25 p.m.

we are using RQM 4.0.6. While exporting a test Plan into pdf the Risks are mixing up, showing in different order and so mixing up the mitigation actions:

on RTC we have:
Insufficient developer test --> mitigation Action 1

Insufficient test resources --> mitigation Action 2

Inexperienced team --> mitigation Action 3

on PDF export we see:

Insufficient test resources --> mitigation Action 1

Inexperienced team --> mitigation Action 2

Insufficient developer test --> mitigation Action 3

has anyone faced this issue? Is there any fix?


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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 15 '15, 11:17 a.m.

Lorena Almela commented Jun 15 '15, 11:33 a.m.

Hi Paul,

thanks for your answer. I've just created the Defect Risks / Risks actions are mixing up on PDF Export (138389) as I found no other similar defect or post related to this issue.


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