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What is the purpose of associating build with release after build is delivered?

Salman Shaikh (23413875) | asked Jun 11 '15, 9:49 a.m.
Once i have delivered code to repository, there comes an option of associating build with release. but it is showing only option of creating "Create a release to associate with this build". This option creates new release in Project area.
my questions are:
What are the uses of associating it with release because i am unable to associate 1 release with multiple builds.
When i assign a build with release it is only viewable on my side only while opening build results.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 12 '15, 3:36 a.m.
edited Jun 12 '15, 3:39 a.m.
Once you declare a build to be THE build that is going to be shipped, you want to be able to create a release from it to:
  1. Be able to select that in the "Found In" attribute
  2. Make sure the build results with all the data - like the snapshot - is not deleted
  3. Be able to find the build result from the release - if you are a developer and have a defect that is filed against it for example, or for an audit

It does not make any sense, from my perspective, to associate one release with multiple builds, because a release is a final, auditable result.

If you want to be able to associate multiple builds to some item for tracking, use the capability to associate the build result to a work item. E.g. use a special work item like Track Build Item for that purpose. Even here, you would likely only track one build - the latest - at a time, because if you track multiple, what is the information gained? 

Remark, you can manually create Releases such as "Release1 Milestone1" to use Found in on a more general level. E.g. not related to a specific release build, but to express it is a problem with the effort to get to the release.

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