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While performing hover on a workitem (specific for chrome 22 browser) unable to see "Show Less/ Show More" links

bhushan punjabi (1645) | asked Jun 10 '15, 7:37 a.m.
edited Jun 10 '15, 10:02 a.m. by Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12)
I have created a POC referencing OSLC LYO Sample
POC provides functionalities of
a) Creating a workitem using delegated creation dialog
b) Searching a workitem using delegated selecttion dialog
c) Preview of linked workitem (Small and Large Preview dialogs)

This setup is executed on Linux OS with Chrome 22 as browser. Where each of the above mentioned functionality is working as expected.

While performing hover on the already linked workitem in the POC, I am able to fetch all the attributes of that workitem as expected from the delegated preview capabilities.
The preview however is not able to render "Show Less/ Show More" link as the preview expands itself and fill the space available to it.
Is this any browser specific issue? If yes then how to resolve the same.
Thank You.
PS:- Apologies for improper grammar or construct

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