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TortoiseRTC - Windows Explorer integration for RTC SCM

Thorsten Gau (8621212) | asked Jun 26 '09, 2:36 a.m.
Does something like TortoiseSVN or TortoiseCVS exists for the SCM component of RTC?

I a development project, my business analysts manager their office documents using TortoiseCVS. They create specifications in OpenOffice and check them into a central CVS repository. They love the seamless integration into windows (right-click / checkin / done) and would not want to switch to Eclipse for these simple tasks.

Any hints?


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jun 08 '16, 5:28 a.m.
The thing is called Team Concert Shell, is available some years already and is part of the normal Installation Manager download for RTC. This is for Windows only. A user could also download documents from a stream in the RTC Web UI, modify and upload it again. Third possible way would be to use the SCM command line.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

3 other answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 26 '09, 9:36 a.m.
I didn't find an enhancement request for this, so I submitted work item


tgau wrote:
Does something like TortoiseSVN or TortoiseCVS exists for the SCM
component of RTC?

I a development project, my business analysts manager their office
documents using TortoiseCVS. They create specifications in OpenOffice
and check them into a central CVS repository. They love the seamless
integration into windows (right-click / checkin / done) and would not
want to switch to Eclipse for these simple tasks.

Any hints?


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Frank Schophuizen (21823226) | answered Nov 15 '13, 3:00 a.m.
The work item 86720 seems to be still on the Backlog without activity.
Also an RFE has been submitted (RATLC01347894) but I cannot find it on dW.

In the meantime, there is a Team Concert Shell extension, but the icons used by TortoiseSVN are much more informative/intuitive (e.g. indicating which files and folders have changed, including the path towards them).

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Stefano Antoniazzi (1701711) | answered Jun 08 '16, 4:23 a.m.
 A very old post still without an answer so adding a link for those stepping into this...

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