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JazzScmWithJenkinsPlugin: Exception: 302: Moved Temporarily

YENNY BLANCO PAEZ (1135) | asked Apr 30 '15, 6:14 a.m.
edited Apr 30 '15, 6:15 a.m.
I have follow the steps for the wiki :

The RTC server is 5.0.1.

However, When the a new Build Engine corresponding to the "Hudson/Jenkins server" is created, and  click Test Connection to test the connection instruction is perform, the following error is display: 

Exception: 302: Moved Temporarily @ https://9.x.X.13:443/netaccess/redirect.html?sid=12611863
Test connection FAILED!

In the wiki another error was notice in a early version of RTC, 
"click Test Connection to test the connection
NOTE: in RTC 4.0.3 there was an issue whereby the URL would not resolve unless it had a trailing slash. If Test Connection fails with:  302: Found , try adding a trailing slash to the URL. This was fixed in RTC 4.0.4.

What could be "302: Moved Temporarily" error related to?

3 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 04 '15, 1:07 a.m.
By the look of the URL, you were prompted for a firewall login when testing the connection. Can you confirm that there is indeed a firewall between your RTC client and the build engine machine? If so, make sure you authenticate on the firewall first, or add appropriate setting in Eclipse so that you can get through the firewall.

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YENNY BLANCO PAEZ (1135) | answered May 05 '15, 4:26 a.m.
Hi Donald,

You are right, this is related to a  a firewall issue.

Many thanks.

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Ravi Kuchanapalli (11) | answered Mar 09 '16, 9:32 a.m.
 Hi Yenny

Could you please share how could you authenticate firewall? I am getting the same error. Couldnt find a solution anywhere. I appreciate your inputs


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