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Is it possible to limit users getting displaued in Contributor list?

Pravin Patil (104146134) | asked Apr 29 '15, 6:27 p.m.

I have a project area and no team area, all users are added to it.

I have a workitem attribute named "Reviewer", I have set it to be "Contributor" kind/type. Now I see all the project area members listed here. Is there a way to display only few members and hide remaining?

Please let me know.

Accepted answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Apr 29 '15, 9:07 p.m.
Hi Pravin,
You can create a "Reviewer" role for those users, and then use "Role based user list".
Please see
Pravin Patil selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Daniel Reilly (1431620) | answered Apr 30 '15, 10:50 a.m.
There are four ways that I know of to control the default values displayed in the list:
  1. Team  area
  2. Value Set Provider using team area
  3. Value Set Provider using roles
  4. Value Set Provider using a script
Which one to use depends on your circumstances and ease of use.
  • Team is the basic mechanism.  Whoever is in the team pops-up, but the plan has to be set up for that team.  In the project you define a timeline and category.  Then, create a team and attach it to the time line.  Then, associate the timeline to the team.  Then, create a plan for that team.
  • VSP using team area is easy to set up and configure, but you do need to keep team membership up to date. Define a team or sub-team within the project area, add the contributors you want.  Then goto process definition and define the VSP.  See Attribute Customization for details.
  • VSP using roles is similar.  You need to keep role assignments up to date.  If you have security requirements and plan to use roles to configure, or if you will be configuring behaviors, it can get tricky mixing roles for VSP, permissions, and behaviors.  (It can be done, but you have to account for them in the permissions and behaviors scheme, and p&b can get quite complex.0
  • VSP using a script.  Use this when complex logic is needed to create the list or you have some special way to identify users problematically.
I've used them all in different situations.  VSP with team is lowest maintenance for me.

Pravin Patil commented Apr 30 '15, 1:57 p.m.

Thanks. I like the idea of "Value Set Provide Using Roles"

I am not using Plan, and team areas in RTC, hence will have to go with the "Value Set Provide Using Roles" option.

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