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Build Forge logon error

James Sullivan (1521842) | asked Apr 27 '15, 5:01 p.m.
 We are transitioning away from RAF 3.0 to Build Forge 8. However, for a while some teams will be using RAF, and some will be using Build Forge 8. Eventually, all will be on Build Forge 8. However, during the transition, we will need to point Build Forge to the Build Forge database (SQL Server 2008 R2) that RAF 3.0 is using. 

I installed Build Forge 8, pointed to the Build Forge DB that RAF 3.0 is using, and I get: 

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Apr 27 '15, 5:18 p.m.
 I'm not familiar with RAF, but that error is because the schema of the RAF database doesn't match what BF 8.0 expects, so its likely not compatible.


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