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What is the disk overhead for checking a file into RTC

Stephen Rooks (18232025) | asked Apr 24 '15, 1:11 p.m.
Is there any significant overhead on disk (via the database) for storing a file?

Say I checkin 10,000 1KB files , will this approximately take 10MB , or say 500MB on disk?


2 answers

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Alan Sampson (93749) | answered Apr 27 '15, 11:16 p.m.
This article: goes into some detail about file storage usage within Jazz SCM and in common with other SCM systems will only store delta changes for source code stored in the repository so should yield good compression ratios for most files.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Apr 26 '15, 7:44 a.m.
Hi Stephen,

please be more specific. Which disk do you refer to? Server? Client?
As far as I can tell, RTC does not store any additional data on disk for SCM. There is a .jazz file per sandbox. Eclipse stores some data with respect to local history, but jazz SCM does not.

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