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Need to be able to start the services of the CLM 5.0.2 components from a command line on the team server

Timothy Miller (13314) | asked Apr 21 '15, 1:30 p.m.

My client has switched to not installing the Windows GUI on their MS Windows 2012 server OS. We are relegated to installation and maintenance of CLM 5.0.2 and WebSphere using the command line. We have been able to install the base products but need to start the services and I am not seeing the documentation that describes this for CLM 5.02.

Can someone provide a reference in the documentation that speaks to this?

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Apr 21 '15, 1:38 p.m.
Each WebSphere profile should have a startServer.bat and stopServer.bat under the bin directory in the profile install location.   With WebSphere there is post-install configuration needed after the profile is launched.   The typical incantation would be something like:

<Profile_Path>\bin\startServer.bat server1

After WebSphere is configured for JTS, CCM, etc, then stopping/starting WebSphere starts/stops the Jazz services.

Bas Bekker commented Apr 21 '15, 2:12 p.m.

If you use the out of the box install with Tomcat, you can you the <CLM install path>\server\server.startup.bat and server.shutdown.bat scripts.

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