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Can I include custom javascript modules for attribute customization scripts?

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked Apr 21 '15, 11:15 a.m.
 I would like to write some common functions that I use and package that in a javascript module.  Then when I create me attribute customization scripts I would just include that module.  Is this possible?  Where would I upload the javascript module to make it available to my scripts?

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Jonas Studer (207917) | answered Apr 22 '15, 4:24 a.m.
Hy Robert,

There are 2 possibilites, but I've got none of them working....
1: Adress your Package into the loader

2: If you got a bit around with Viewlet creation there's another chance.
Because IBM built some entry points into the plugin.xml there you could add a dojo module. But as I told before... I've got none of them working...
Robert Carter selected this answer as the correct answer

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