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Question on RRC Report / Query

Raj K (10222225) | asked Apr 17 '15, 3:25 p.m.
retagged Apr 17 '15, 3:42 p.m. by Erica Tran (1.4k7)
has anyone had a similar need. How can i generate a report or filter in RRC that can list all the modules that an artifact is being used?

Contains is not an implicit link and hence I am not able to use that relationship when creating a query / report within RRC on the web.


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Deise CĂ´rtes (511210) | answered Jun 02 '15, 1:46 p.m.
 Hello Raj,

The easiest way to find this information is:
1) Open the artifact
2) Expand the "Where Used" section in the right side of it. It will list all modules that use that artifact in the sub-section "In Modules"

Raj K commented Jun 02 '15, 3:01 p.m.

Thanks for the response.

That is how I was doing it. What we need is a way to have a report / view of some sort that will show all the modules that an artifact is used in.


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