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certificates during upgrades

Mahari Hill (4861184230) | asked Apr 02 '15, 1:42 p.m.

The previous admin set up a certificate on the machine to allow users to log in without that prompt . I am upgrading from 405->502, will the certificate migrate over? Or do I need to do some additional steps?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 03 '15, 1:26 a.m.
It depends on what you will change during the upgrade and where the certificate is placed. Since you said the the users could login without the prompt, I assume that the certificate is CA-signed, rather than self-signed - in this case, you need to locate the certificate file and put it in the right place of the setup. Here are some links for your reference.
(The steps can be quite different depending you use IBM HTTP Server or not)

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