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TypeError: _7a undefined

aastha khatri (22721) | asked Feb 24 '15, 3:05 a.m.

I have created an attribute named Record for Story work item having values (required,not required,done,in Progress)
So when ever the user selects required a new record work item is created and linked as child item to the story.
Record work items can have approvals with state -Approved/Pending/Rejected.
I wrote a custom advisor RecordStatePrevention advisor which prevents the transtition of record to completed state if it has any pending approvals.
When I try to change the state of record(with pending approvals) to complete state from the record item editor the exception is being thrown as per required behavior(implemented in advisor)
But when i try to change the record (with pending approvals) to complete from the story editor I get a javascript error "TypeError : _7a undefined" whereas I should be getting the same exception as in above case.
When I checked the logs i realised that the exception is thrown properly even at previous case but the UI throws some javascript error. Could you please guide me on this? What I am doing wrong.


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aastha khatri (22721) | answered Mar 05 '15, 6:54 a.m.
This error was resolved when I handled the modification of record status from the story work item editor in the same advisor where I was handling the modification of record status from the record work item editor.
Though I am still not clear that what caused this error. I am suspecting as story and record work items are linked if the error is thrown at record level it is not propagated to the story level editor.

aastha khatri commented Mar 05 '15, 6:55 a.m. | edited Mar 31 '15, 11:58 a.m.

If someone has a clear understanding of this particular type of javascript error please help me understand it.

Thanks in Advance,

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