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What are some uses of ADMIN internal ID in RTC with respect to SCM ?

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Feb 11 '15, 4:11 p.m.
I help manage a couple dozen RTC repositories.  We are required to provide SCAA data to a central collection point for analysis.  In one RTC repository, ADMIN is being flagged as having rather large numbers of reads of SCM files.  For the Components named, the owning project area has configured some things under Enterprise Extensions ( Data Set Definitions, Language Definitions with several Translators ).   I don't find any search engines configured in any project in the repository.  

My thinking is that it is possible that ADMIN is being used with the Translators "under the hood", as I don't see ADMIN explicitly in the Enterprise settings except for "Enterprise Resource Cleanup".  

I have confirmed that ADMIN is a non-usable ID ( with respect to doing a UI login ) as our registry is LDAP; so am I on the right track regarding the Enterprise Extensions + ADMIN + scaa ?



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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 12 '15, 4:53 a.m.
As far as I am aware, in a typical RTC setup there is no reason at all, that you should see the ADMIN user performing any activities. This user is actually usually disabled as you describe and usually does not have any license that would enable the ID to perform any activities. It is basically only used once, during setup. E.g. during a Tomcat based setup without LDAP (or before activating LDAP).

It might be, that there are some special things happening on IBM-i or IBM-z setups, that I am not aware of.

Kevin Ramer commented Feb 12 '15, 1:00 p.m.

There are several scheduled activities that have an associated ID, several are using ADMIN.   My colleague has received confirmation from a knowledgable person that z/OS translations will/do/require the use of ADMIN id.

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