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Help on the installation of Rational Insight!!!

Danusa Ribeiro (869) | asked Jan 26 '15, 2:17 p.m.
Hi guys,

I'm trying to install the Rational Insight and I have some doubts. The first one is: where I find the scripts to execute on oracle? I tried in this page but unsuccessful. I need these scripts because I tried to install manually but when the system tries creates the database an error happens ( I haven't pictures now):

The users locked!

I search by the users and all of them aren't locked. I don't know how to make for complete this installation.

Someone can help me?

Best Regards,

One answer

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Danusa Ribeiro (869) | answered Apr 28 '15, 4:08 p.m.
 I solve this question!

I created the databases manually instead of let the application create.

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