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RequisitePro and QualityManager Ingration error message: value of attribute is 1001 bytes, which is greater than the allowed encoded...

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | asked Jan 16 '15, 2:14 p.m.
 Hello everyone, 

when I tried link the package from Requisite Pro to the TestPlan I'm getting error message: Value of the attribute "name" is 1001 bytes, which is greater than the allowed encoded length of 1000 bytes. 
I'm using QM version 4.0.6 with Requisite Pro Error message

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jan 19 '15, 12:22 a.m.
RQM allows only 1000 characters for requirement name(internal restriction).
if you leave "name" field blank in ReqPro,  RQM uses "Description" field as "Name".
 The limit on Description in Reqpro is 32000 chars. If you have more
than 1000 chars in description  and "name" is blank in Reqpro, reconcile
fails in RQM.
So in your case, can you find out whether it's  name or description in
Reqpro Requirement  which is > 1000 chars? If yes, the only workaround is to shorten the name(if blank, then the description) to below 1000 chars? Thanks

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