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External Content widget - how to specify an HTML file (not http)

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Jan 12 '15, 3:18 p.m.
 I have an HTML file that is automatically saved to a folder on the network at specific intervals. I would like to add a widget to a dashboard that loads this HTML file. The proper widget appears to be the External Content widget. Unfortunately, either I have the syntax wrong or that widget cannot load from a file. I am using what I believe is the appropriate URI syntax:


but it produces an error:

CRRDV0001E The URL ...  is invalid. The specified uniform resource locator (URL) does not conform to the 'URI Generic Syntax' (RFC 3986) specification: Open the widget settings area and specify a valid URL.

Do I need to alter my syntax or does External Content simply not support html files without http?

One answer

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jan 12 '15, 4:09 p.m.
edited Jan 12 '15, 4:12 p.m.
file:// means file system.. so you would have to be disk sharing (samba for Linux)
(including this machines local volumes outside the tomcat/web server folders)
and mounted the remote volume on this server somehow. AND for web app servers, they usually do not allow access outside the app server folder (for security reasons)

otherwise you need an HTTP server 

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