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Mail notification for contributor attribute

Mallanagouda Patil (40815) | asked Dec 17 '14, 1:53 a.m.
I added custom attribute of type contributor into work item and assigning a user via calcualted java script to that attribute. I thought mail notification will be sent as the custom attribute I added is of contributor type like Owned by or Created by attributes. No mail is sent on saving the workitem. I verified user is part of project, team and also has appropriate licence. does it required any other configuration in order to enable mail notifcation?. Same script work find if I enable it for Owned By attribute. Not sure it is not work for custom attribute. Please suggest. 

Thanks in advance

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Dec 17 '14, 2:38 a.m.
As you can see in the e-mail notification configuration E-Mail does get sent to specific users being subscribed, being owner and so forth.

E-Mail notification is not sent to an arbitrary user in some custom attribute however and there is no easy way to make RTC do that. One way would be to subscribe the user put in there. See for a discussion how to. It is not trivial.

Another way would be to write a special server save work item participant that sends e-mail based on some logic.

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