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Does RTC have something similar as the "Structure" plugin?

Frank Schophuizen (21823226) | asked Dec 08 '14, 7:22 a.m.
edited Jan 19 '15, 6:07 p.m. by Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351)
I ran into a video on the "Structure" plugin from ALM Works for a competing issue tracking tool. Although I don't like that tool, I like the functionality added by the plugin.
See this video:

Basically it allows arbitrary hierarchy structure views on the work items. There are a number of things I like:
  • You can make any hierarchical structure as you like, and as many as you like.
  • You can derive a hierarchical structure from existing work item relationships (e.g. links) and keep it in sync (e.g. when adding a link, the structure is adapted automatically, or when changing the hierarchy a link is adapted accordingly)
  • The structure does not affect other functionality of the tool and does not require other functionality to be adapted

I would like similar functionality on IBM Rational Jazz solutions too. What is your opinion?

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