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Capacity planning, Demand management and Resource allocation in RTC.

Lonwabo Giqwa (1824) | asked Nov 03 '14, 4:01 a.m.
I would like to find out if there is any plugin or way to use MS project or any other tool to integrate with RTC for resources, competencies and demand management. for example if i can get a feed from MS project that contains resource with their skill/competencies and use that to assign them to tasks in my project plans in RTC. Also the ability to do financial management part of project management i.e. to know project costs based on resources and their billing rate and time to complete the project.

2 answers

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Chidambaram L (23414287) | answered Dec 28 '14, 2:04 a.m.
Extensive resource management & Financial management features are available in Rational Focal Point.

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Chidambaram L (23414287) | answered Nov 03 '14, 4:27 a.m.
All these can be managed in RTC also.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Nov 03 '14, 5:38 p.m.

I am not aware of any RTC functionality for demand management based on skill/competency, or of any RTC functionality for computing project costs based on resources and billing rates.

Lonwabo Giqwa commented Nov 04 '14, 1:56 a.m.

Thanks Geoffrey, so there are no work-arounds or plugins either that you may know? 

Geoffrey Clemm commented Nov 05 '14, 1:33 a.m.

I haven't tried it myself, but possibly exporting to Microsoft Project might help?

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