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When there is change in Req, How to automatic reconcile in test case in RQM ?

yk wu (4611016) | asked Oct 28 '14, 6:04 a.m.
edited Oct 28 '14, 7:13 a.m.

Dear All,

Let's say I have a lifecycle project (rm,qm & ccm), and have associated requirement (rm) to test case (qm), I read the article, "Reconciliation deep dive for requirements in Rational Quality Manager ".

I have built something like:

req1 <--validated by --> testcase1

let's say I have enabled the "suspicion profiles",

Everytime I update the req1, I have to go into the testcase1 and click "reconcile requirement".

However, for real usage, there are many requirements linking to many test cases, it is quite impossible to go into each testcase and click "reconcile requirement".

Is there any automatic way to mark suspect for those test case in RQM (when requirements are changed)?

Thanks in advance,

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Paul Tasillo (10665) | answered Oct 28 '14, 10:27 a.m.
Hi- You can reconcile the testcase -> requirement relationship in each testcase or if you also associate a testplan -> requirement collection and that requirement collection contains the requirement than you can reconcile the testplan. This test plan reconcile will look at all the requirements in the collection and their associated testcases. This is the recommended way to reconcile 'in bulk'.

There is no way to "automatically" run the reconcile today. Also RQM doesn't support the suspect profiles in see supported in DNG.

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