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Excel Importer - Error while importing test cases and test scripts

Rajah Vedamurthy (1111128) | asked Oct 21 '14, 4:19 p.m.
edited Oct 21 '14, 4:21 p.m.
 Using QM 4.0.6 Excel Import Utility, I am able to import the test artifacts in other projects, but I am getting error in one project where Data Administer Role was not found, I created the role and assigned it to the user, but still getting error as below
10/21/2014 2:43:52 PM: Getting artifacts from current document OMS_Sterling Call Center_TestCases_102120 Error 14_sample.xlsx
10/21/2014 2:43:53 PM: Created 4 artifacts, sending to server
10/21/2014 2:43:53 PM: sending testscript0 named OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_1.xml
10/21/2014 2:43:53 PM: Server returned code InternalServerError
10/21/2014 2:43:53 PM: Error sending to server OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_1.xml of type testscript
10/21/2014 2:43:53 PM: Internal Server Error
10/21/2014 2:43:53 PM: sending testcase1 named OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_1.xml
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: Server returned code Forbidden
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: Error sending to server OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_1.xml of type testcase
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: Forbidden
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: sending testscript2 named OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_2.xml
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: Server returned code InternalServerError
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: Error sending to server OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_2.xml of type testscript
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: Internal Server Error
10/21/2014 2:43:54 PM: sending testcase3 named OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_2.xml
10/21/2014 2:43:55 PM: Server returned code Forbidden
10/21/2014 2:43:55 PM: Error sending to server OMS_Sterling_Call_Center_TestCases_10212014_sample_Call_Center_2.xml of type testcase
10/21/2014 2:43:55 PM: Forbidden
10/21/2014 2:43:55 PM: finished writing artifacts 

But with the same config file and excel, I am able to import in other projects without any errors.
Assigned multiple roles to the users with all permission including save test case and test script, but the error is same.

Let me know how to resolve this issue.

Thanks in Advance.

3 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Oct 21 '14, 5:45 p.m.
I would first verify that your user has a role with the Quality Manager XML import permissions enabled for the project area in question

Screen shot

Rajah Vedamurthy commented Oct 21 '14, 5:49 p.m. | edited Oct 21 '14, 5:57 p.m.

 Thanks for the Reply, Yes I have two roles assigned to the user as Data Migration Administrator and Architect both the roles are enabled with all the permissions available in the project include the one you showed above. 

anoop mc commented Oct 22 '14, 3:37 a.m.

 Hi Rajah  - In the previous version I see a user with JAZZ Admin privilege can import with out any issues. If you are an admin assign and give a try else ask your administrator and later you can revert back.

Rajah Vedamurthy commented Oct 22 '14, 11:44 a.m.

Thanks for the reply, I was able to figure out the issue, it was due to the artifact state was on 'Approved' state while imported, so the preconditions did not met and it failed creating test cases and test scripts, I was able to change the config file to Draft and would let me create it.

But still the underlying question is? where this is set in RQM Project, I could not find it.

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Somashakar Kannan (962) | answered Jul 20 '16, 3:10 a.m.
Rajah, if you are looking for the Jazz Admin Privilege, you check for it in the Active Users ->  Select the user with whom you are trying to do the import.

In the "Repository Permissions", see if you can get the Jazz Admin privilege.

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Ricky Jay (281126) | answered Mar 29 '17, 5:00 a.m.

Hi Rajah Vedamurthy , 

Do i know how did you set the state from Approved to Draft in the cfg file? I am facing the same issue and cannot complete the import in one of my porject, however same cfg works for the other projects.


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