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[RTC] Sort criteria in REST query to fetch deletedLinks

Ednilo Pinheiro (636) | asked Sep 30 '14, 11:37 a.m.
edited Oct 15 '14, 4:07 p.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)
Since it is not possible to sort the deleted links by the modifiedDate attribute, I figured I could use a REST query that looks like this:


In order for this approach to work, I need to make sure that every time I run this query the result set will follow the same sort criteria. For example, if I run the query today and I get a given set of 100 itemId's as result, I would expect to set of itemId's to be the exact same if I run the same query one week from today. The itemId postion in the result would remain the same even when new itemId's would be added (I expect the to be added to the finish of the result set). Is this assumption correct?


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