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[closed] RRC projects missing after upgrade to 5.0.1

Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | asked Sep 30 '14, 3:41 a.m.
closed Oct 06 '14, 1:27 a.m.
Hi there,

I have again a curious problem.
I've tested the upgrade of RTC, RQM and RRC from 4.0.7 to 5.0.1.
I did all steps described in the upgrade description CLM Upgrade including the steps for copying the database of Jazz to an RM database.

After all steps finished successfully all my RRC projects are missing.
RTC and RQM is working fine but RRC is missing all the projects.

What went wrong?


The question has been closed for the following reason: "fixed it on my own" by eickel Oct 06 '14, 1:27 a.m.

5 answers

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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Oct 06 '14, 1:26 a.m.
Ok - I got it working again.

I was not able to get the RRC projects back so what I did is I recovered from backup and did all the steps again.
Now it is working.


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Rohit Balduwa (945511) | answered Sep 30 '14, 4:10 a.m.
Hi Simon

Check the diagnostics for jts/admin and rm/admin pages.
This could be related to indexes missing in databases.
Maybe this technote can help you:

Also, you can run online Verify utility to verify incase any database inconsistencies exists for any databases after the upgrade.

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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Sep 30 '14, 9:42 a.m.
Hi Rohit,

thanks for your answer. The first link dies not met my problem as within the Technote the problem described means that the project itselfs are preent but without content.

In my case even the projects are not available.

The second links is quite old (2.x) and does not contain a repotools file for rm.
Any other ideas?


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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Oct 01 '14, 1:57 a.m.
I did a repotools-rm reindex all but even this did not bring back the Projects:

D:\ProgramFiles\IBM\RRC_v501\server>repotools-rm.bat -reindex all noPrompt
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "D:\ProgramFiles\IBM\RRC_v501\server\conf\rm\provision_profiles".
  Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 5.0.1 (RJF-I20140805-1241)
  Rational DOORS Next Generation, Version 5.0.1 (RMS5.0.1-I20140805_2017)

 To submit questions about issues, go to the forum at
 To find more information about a message, see the online product documentation.
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/rm/".
CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
CRJAZ2558I Setting the local server rename state to false and the openServerDescriptionServiceTemporarily state to false
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "//;databaseName=RM_
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
 Db Product Name: Microsoft SQL Server
  Db Product Version: 11.00.5058
  Db URL: jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=RM_DEV;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx
  Jdbc Driver Name: Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0
  Jdbc Driver Version: 2.0.1803.100
CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with:
  Public URI: ""
  Jazz Team Server location: ""
CRJAZ2523I Setting the global server rename state to false and the validation state to false.
CRJAZ8191W: The full-text index location is not set
CRJAZ2105I Checking for a running server...
The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "//;databaseName=RM_DEV;user=xxxxxxxx;password=
CRJZS5170I Reindexing resources from database //;databaseName=RM_DEV;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xx
CRJZS5650I Indices directory is D:\ProgramFiles\IBM\RRC_v501\server\conf\rm\indices
CRJZS5800I  Private applications are using a transactional RDF index
CRJZS5348I Indexing: resuming ...
CRJZS5347I Indexing: resumed
CRJZS5579I Reindexing : Deleting "triple live" indices for private applications ...
CRJZS5579I Reindexing : Deleting "text live" indices for private applications ...
CRJZS5586I Reindexing : Finished processing "text live" indices for private applications in 21813 ms
CRJZS5579I Reindexing : Deleting "text history" indices for private applications ...
CRJZS5586I Reindexing : Finished processing "text history" indices for private applications in 16 ms
CRJZS5586I Reindexing : Finished processing "triple live" indices for private applications in 27594 ms
CRJZS5579I Reindexing : Deleting "triple history" indices for private applications ...
CRJZS5586I Reindexing : Finished processing "triple history" indices for private applications in 250 ms
CRJZS6109I Resources from database //;databaseName=RM_DEV;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx were
 reindexed successfully.
The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "//;databaseName=RM_DEV;user=xxxxxxxx;password
CRJZS5652I Indexing services are being shut down ...
CRJZS5651I Indexing services finished shutting down in 1547 ms


Any ideas?

permanent link
Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Oct 01 '14, 8:37 a.m.
edited Oct 06 '14, 3:55 a.m.
Hi Simon,

If you check
and ensure that you did these steps:

Run the finalizeApplicationMigration commands carefully

Two steps run repotools commands that have almost identical names:

repotools-rm.bat -finalizeApplicationMigration

repotools-jts.bat -finalizeApplicationMigration checkOauthDomain=true applicationId=RM-application-id newPublicUrl=NEW_RM_PUBLIC_URL

If you're still able to see what commands you ran, then Benjamin Silverman wrote an excellent paper on what to expect:

Also, if all attempts to recover the data fail, then I am afraid you will need to follow the steps in this tech note:

If you're able to contact Rational Client Support though, as you're not seeing any projects, if the above help doesn't work I'd contact them with the upgrade logs.

Kind regards.