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Is there a feature exist in RTC to auto populate some fields/attributes in a workitem when the status of the workitem is changed?

Anbarasu Arivoli (811828) | asked Sep 29 '14, 6:17 a.m.
Dear Experts,

Is there a feature exist in RTC to auto populate some fields/attributes in a workitem when the status of the workitem is changed?

For example:
I want to autopopulate the ResolvedBy field with the person who changes the status of the workitem to Resolved in a workitem.

I am usign RTC version 4.0.7.


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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Sep 29 '14, 8:15 a.m.
ResolvedBy I believe is already auto-set by RTC when a work item moves into a workflow state that is in the Closed state group.

If it is not an attribute that is auto-set, you can write a Server-Side Participant (follow-up action) to set any attribute you want.
Anbarasu Arivoli selected this answer as the correct answer

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