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Maven release plugin in Jazz

Gaurav Tapadkar (2713) | asked Sep 24 '14, 5:30 p.m.
In our Jazz instance we have a precondition to associate a work item to a change set while delivering source code. 
We have setup a build which uses maven release plugin and it is failing while delivering the source code.

'Deliver' failed. Preconditions have not been met: In order to meet the work item approval requirements the change set must be associated with a work item.

Maven Command used in build definition:
mvn -B -Dresume=false -DworkingDirectory=/directory release:prepare release:perform

Build log shows that "scm checkin" successful. After that even created a change set and assigned an ID (number) to it but "scm deliver" failed because no work item was associated with it.

As per Jazz articles, command to associate a change set to a work item in SCM is

lscm changeset associate <Change Set Number> <Work Item Number>

We are not sure about the change set number until build creates one and we do not know how to pass work item number in maven command. We want to know what command or configuration we should use to automated this process.

If anyone has already used maven release plugin with Jazz and have encountered similar error then let us know.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 26 '14, 3:26 a.m.
What information does LSCM checkin provide? I assume the change set number. See

So if you get that number and know your work item ID, you can associate that before you deliver.

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Sep 26 '14, 6:39 a.m.
I think you are stuck.

the maven jazz scm provider doesn't provide an interface for workitem, even tho the scm checkin command does with the /W parameter.

you could download the maven jazz provider and check..
you might be forced to use addition steps to do this. using some script

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Gaurav Tapadkar (2713) | answered Sep 26 '14, 12:05 p.m.
Thanks for the reply.


Operations like scm checkin, scm create and scm deliver are done by maven release plugin. As change set number is generated automatically by maven release plugin while build execution is in progress. We cannot issue another command to associate it as a parameter to deliver.


I will get more information on Jazz provider and will attempt to do this.

Ralph Schoon commented Sep 29 '14, 3:17 a.m.

The JBE runs in the context of a technical user. You could configure RTC that this user has a special role and that the role does not have to provide a work item to deliver.

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