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Error synchronizing Clearcase stream into RTC.

vinay kumar bondugula (7322972) | asked Sep 23 '14, 6:22 a.m.

I am using Clearcase 7.1.1 and trying to import streams from Clearcase to RTC (v5.0.1) but I am receiving errors and could not proceed further.  
I am also attaching the screenshot containing the error while importing CC stream to RTC.
I have used an admin user for which CC synchronize license is given, other than ccsync,

Can anybody help me with the above.

Thank You.
Vinay B

vinay kumar bondugula commented Sep 23 '14, 6:26 a.m. | edited Sep 23 '14, 6:28 a.m.

please find error log in the attachment. 


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 23 '14, 10:21 a.m.
The first thing to do with an error like this is to log on to the synchronizer host machine using the ClearCase (OS) credentials you have specified for that synchronization stream, and then try the exact command that caused the failure, and see if you get the same cleartool error.   If you do get that error, you'll want to ask your ClearCase experts how to get rid of that cleartool error.   And if that doesn't get you past the error, you'll probably need to submit a ticket with RTC support, so they can help you track down the cause of the error.

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