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how can I select 2 test case categories in a RQM Query for report?

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Sep 11 '14, 7:17 p.m.
I have 2 categories on my test plan and want to run aquery for a widget (Executio by Test Schedule) and want to select values from both :

Service :
State :

But when I select the 2 values of categories it does not filter it correctly.

Paul Slauenwhite commented Sep 15 '14, 7:30 a.m.

Can you provide the steps to reproduce and a screen capture of the parameters dialog?

Cesar Sasaki commented Sep 15 '14, 11:04 a.m.

My main goal is to run the "Execution by  Test Schedule"  widget only with the "active" Test plans and with a certain category value.
By "Active" I mean the open, I did not see any status filter on the query, so I create a category for the state (Open and Close values only)

Test Plan Categories

So when I select the query for the Widget "Execution by  Test Schedule" one of the filters is "Test Plan Categories" so I select the value for "Estado" = "Abierto" (that means open) and value for "Servicio" ="Transformacion".

But when I run the query I see plans that are with the value "Estado" = "Cerrado" (means closed). I think this filter runs and OR and not AND.

Hope you can help me.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 15 '14, 10:24 p.m.
Yes it's OR, not AND. When you multi-select values, it basically means "union", or "OR". If it were AND, it would not have given you any results at all. I think you will need to create your own custom report to achieve what you want.

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