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Is the RTC importer is expected to preserve the attachment date and created by user

Anand Swaroop Dasari (612) | asked Aug 11 '14, 2:07 a.m.
edited Aug 11 '14, 2:09 a.m.
I am trying to import bugs from Bugzilla to RTC. I have identified 2 problems while importing attachments and their details into RTC.
#1 : Attachment Date is coming as the current date instead of the original Attachment Created date which is in bugzilla.  Say for example , attachment created date in bugzilla was 1st Jan 2014 , if i ran the importer on 10th of August 2014, then in RTC attachment creation date is displaying as 10th Aug instead of 1st Jan.

#2 : Attachment Created/uploaded owner, if the attachment is created by some "test1" user in bugzilla , if say for example 'test2' user has ran the importer, then in RTC the attachment's Created by is displaying as "test2" instead of 'test1".

Ideally in RTC,  Date and Created By should display as the original created timestamp and owner who has created the attachment in bugzilla.
So could you please let me know how can we guarantee that bugzilla Attachment Date and Created By user should be displayed in RTC after Import ?

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Aug 11 '14, 4:42 a.m.
referring to
I would say that issues should be solved by implementing a proper mapping file.
(so as to for example, map test1 user to the correct user in RTC)

Not sure though if the date of the creation of attachment is part of your bugzilla xml file
<bug_when> under <attachment> section


Anand Swaroop Dasari commented Aug 11 '14, 5:31 a.m.

Thanks Eric for your response.
Below is the attachment snippet from bugzilla xml file, where we can see <who> and <bug_when> tags. whereas these tags/relavent attachment related tags are not present in the computed mapping file in which i am using for RTC Import.
<who name="user name">email_ID of the attached user</who>
<bug_when>2014-01-01 09:11:43 EST</bug_when>
<thetext>Attachment Description</thetext>
so here i want this whole <long_desc> tag contents to be extracted into mapping xml and through which we can import the bugs into RTC.

I think these entries should be present in the mapping file , so that while importing the attachment details from Bugzilla , these would be interpreted into RTC properly with proper attachment date and created by user.

Eric Jodet commented Aug 12 '14, 1:59 a.m.


I looked further and think it is not possible.

The reason is that bugzilla importer uses a mapping file to map bugzillas attributes and values to RTC attributes and values. Example:
<attribute sourceId="bug_status" targetId="">
<value sourceId="NEW" targetId="1"/><!-- Unused -->

In order to preserve attachment's date and user, we would need to have corresponding RTC attributes, which we do not have.

Anand Swaroop Dasari commented Aug 13 '14, 3:19 a.m.

Thanks a lot for your information on this. But i think that attachment information ( i.e., preserving the attachment's date and user) would be very useful in terms of tracking the attachments history ( like when and who has uploaded the attachment ).

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VK L (8177157159) | answered Dec 03 '14, 12:09 a.m.
Hi Anand,
I am trying to import bugzilla items into RTC. Have a few issues in the mapping part. Could you please share a sample mapping file that you used?


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