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Generating tree structure of Work Items for export

Matthew Petty (1623) | asked Jul 30 '14, 6:39 p.m.
We are using Work Items to represent Configuration Items in our hardware/software system. They are in a hierarchy, using the parent/child relationship link mechanism. There are multiple levels of links, up to a maximum of about 5.

I need to generate a report, or some kind of exportable data, that would show the structure of our system with its parents and children, with the multiple levels.

Is this possible in RTC?

I've seen a lot of answers in this forum relating to planning and viewlets and tree-view, but we are not using those parts of the system at this time. We're not using planning, just the Work Item mechanism for CM. I realize this may be an issue.

I would be very grateful for any assistance, even to tell me where to start looking.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 31 '14, 3:14 a.m.

You can export to CSV, with links, but it is probably hard to limit the export with a query.
You could try to use the Rational Publishing Engine to create a report. I am not an expert for the RPE, so I can't tell the effort.
It would be possible to use available API to create any kind of export format you want. This is a slightly higher effort. I am not sure in which way you want the data. Let me know if you consider this and I can point you to resources with at least some API examples.

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Matthew Petty (1623) | answered Aug 01 '14, 7:29 p.m.
I just want to be able to view the structure of the system as defined by Parent/Child links, or by WI attributes. A collapsible tree structure (like a folder structure) would be great. If I could nicely format it and print it, that would be even better.
We don't have RPE, and I'm loathe to climb that particular learning curve right now.
(By the way, given that RTC is running on SQL Server, is there a way to report on data using a third party tool like Crystal Reports?)
Please explain more about the API.
Thanks for your help,

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 04 '14, 2:16 a.m.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 04 '14, 3:34 a.m.

I forgot to answer the other part. I don't think Chrystal Reports is an option. A lot of the data in CLM is not stored as a readable attribute in a relational database, but as blobs. In addition, the data structure is based on EMF. You may try, but you might not be able to access the data you want.

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Darrell Reich (959) | answered Oct 16 '18, 4:11 p.m.

WBS layout in Plan view allows you to see the hierarchy in the current sprint however it does not show complete or back log items at the same time. RTC should add a view work item tree mode to show Epic-Story-task nested work items.

Looking at the top or bottom work item, the links tab shows the children or parent one level up or down.

I was able to add "children" field to my query and export the work items to csv but then had to get out post-it notes to make my own tree from the data that looks like id, children; 1234, #1240 #1241 showing 1234 has two children.

We're using RTC 6.0.4. There are lots of view but it seems like please add a work item tree view should get voted up for an upcoming release?

We're not looking to purchase additional reporting software at this time. Like planning mode, we are looking for an interactive view to be able to edit the tree as needed, reassign the tasks to others, etc.

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 17 '18, 2:25 a.m.

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