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How to remove QM and RC from a 4.0.6 CLM install?

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Jun 24 '14, 5:17 p.m.
We have the whole CLM installed but only use RTC (CCM). How can I remove RC and QM from our install?

Anthony Kesterton commented Jun 24 '14, 5:19 p.m.

Hi Mike

Make sure you really have not used RM and QM (for example, do you have the sample project installed?).


Mike Shkolnik commented Jun 24 '14, 5:28 p.m.

I don't know if we have a sample installed, but we definitely have not used either product.

2 answers

permanent link
Georg Kellner (840481109) | answered Jun 25 '14, 10:00 a.m.
You should go to https://server:9443/jts/
You can delete the registered applications, and after this, you can modify the installation itself via installation manager to delete the unnecessary programs from HDD.

permanent link
Christopher Fleischer (7125) | answered Jun 25 '14, 10:51 a.m.
 Hi Mike, 
Since RM shares the JTS database, removing RM from the registered applications does not remove the storage areas for RM within the database. Please refer to the following technote on steps to completely remove the RM foot print:

Instead of the parameter context URL though, you would use

An example would be: repotools-jfs -deleteJFSResources

For more information on the repotools command deleteJFSResources you can visit the 4.0.6 Infocenter.

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